After Hours Medical Service :
Call Doctor Doctor on 132660
A full report will be sent to your usual doctor by the After Hours Doctor Service regarding the consultation.
Please ensure that you enquire about the possible waiting time and fees that are relevant to your consultation at the time of your call.
Ambulance Service
In case of a medical emergency, the Ambulance Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Upon calling ‘000’,
Additional after hours services for severe problems are available through the following hospitals:
Private Hospital Emergency Departments at:
These hospitals will charge a service fee.
John Fawkner Hospital 9385 2266
Epworth Richmond Hospital 9426 6303
Public Hospital Emergency Departments at:
These hospitals do not charge a service fee.
St Vincent’s Hospital 9288 4356
Royal Melbourne Hospital 9342 7000
Royal Women’s Hospital emergency 8345 3600
Mercy Hospital for Women emergency 8458 4000